Hi friends, hopefully I have some new visitors so welcome to Tuesday with T. Above is one of my favorite quotes from Atticus. I think it depends on who you are and how deep you want to delve to really understand it. For me, my creativity in any form has always stemmed from a little madness. Creativity is an individual realm that we get lost in only competing with ourselves. I love being the boss in this part of my life and when I pick up my camera or an oblique pen whatever I produce is authentic. There’s nothing reckless in my madness just a little bit of genius that I claim as my own. To some that might sound…..vain! Definitely not meant that way, but hey like creativity, interpretation is an open playing field. Sooo, just be careful not to “hide the madness” as we never want to limit our potential. Just my little thoughts for today. Until next week, keep doing what you do.